Setting Up Your Classroom

You need an organized approach to setting up your classroom. Social media can provide inspiration and ideas. It can also cause overwhelm and anxiety, especial when it comes to setting up your classroom. There can be pressure to keep up with new trends, buy unnecessary materials, and to focus on the least essential parts of

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When Students Don’t Get It

You’re teaching math. You teach conceptually and consistently incorporate concrete, pictorial, and abstract representations. Your lessons are engaging and relevant. You give students the opportunity to practice and provide feedback. You provide opportunities for discussion and collaborative learning. Yet, some students don’t get it. You work with those students who didn’t get it. You slow

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No More Boring Research Papers

Research Project Ideas

In this post you’ll find FUN research project ideas for upper elementary students! I certainly remember completing my fair share of boring research projects in elementary school. We go to the library to find an encyclopedia to take notes on our topic. Then, we would write a traditional five paragraph essay. Fun stuff! Maybe I’m

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