Using Math Representations

While all students benefit from multiple representations in math, students who have difficulty in math need more experiences with these representations. Those experiences may also need to be more explicit and focused. This post continues the blog series on how to support students who struggle in math by incorporating multiple representations. Types of Representations Concrete

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Setting Up Your Classroom

You need an organized approach to setting up your classroom. Social media can provide inspiration and ideas. It can also cause overwhelm and anxiety, especial when it comes to setting up your classroom. There can be pressure to keep up with new trends, buy unnecessary materials, and to focus on the least essential parts of

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Math Vocabulary

This post continues the series on teaching students who struggle in math and focuses on the importance of math vocabulary. For most teachers this is an obvious part of the process, but I’d be remiss to leave it out. Math vocabulary is academic language that includes vocabulary and language structures when thinking about, talking about,

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Systematic Instruction

Systematic instruction intentionally builds students’ knowledge over time toward a specific learning outcome. This post continues the blog series on how to support students who struggle and shares strategies to incorporate systematic instruction for students who have difficulty in math. Systematic Instruction – Review I imagine that the review component of systematic instruction isn’t shocking

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When Students Don’t Get It

You’re teaching math. You teach conceptually and consistently incorporate concrete, pictorial, and abstract representations. Your lessons are engaging and relevant. You give students the opportunity to practice and provide feedback. You provide opportunities for discussion and collaborative learning. Yet, some students don’t get it. You work with those students who didn’t get it. You slow

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