Favorite Teacher Supplies

My Top 10 Favorite Teacher Supplies graphic with books, pens, pencils, and more office supplies on a blank white background.

We all have our favorite teacher supplies. Since I’ve been teaching, I’ve acquired quite the collection of teacher supplies and materials. In fact, when I moved schools last year I realized just how much I had. I am FAR from a hoarder, but it was still shocking to see how many teacher supplies I had accumulated in just 14 years. However, I also realized that there were a few teacher supplies that stood out above the rest. I’ve compiled a list of my top 10 favorite teacher supplies that I don’t know how I would teach without! Get out a pen and paper to make your own teacher supply list!

Grid Chart Paper

If you struggle to draw a straight line, aren’t the neatest writer, or really need things centered, you need this chart paper. I strongly prefer gridded chart paper to regular lined paper, because I often draw tables or write in columns, so this keeps everything neat and organized. The Post It version is fairly expensive, so I’ve also linked a less expensive option.

Long Arm Stapler

My students are always amazed with my fancy stapler. I create a lot of booklets, and I love being able to staple exactly on the crease, so I don’t lose valuable work space. This is also great when I staple things to large pieces of construction paper. I found this on Amazon too. Even though it’s not frequently used, it’s still one of my favorite teacher supplies.

Favorite Teacher Supply – Sticky Notes

Sticky notes are probably at the tip top of my list of favorite teacher supplies. I use sticky notes for my own personal notes, book marks, anchor charts, reading and math lessons, and more! I almost always have at least one in my pocket and another attached my computer. Best of all, you can get these teacher supplies for cheap!

Pretty Pens and Markers

It’s a scientific fact that grading papers is much easier when you’re using a pretty flair pen. Okay, maybe it’s not so scientific, but I know I prefer using them! I also love using Mr. Sketch markers for my anchor charts. They’re bright, pretty, and they smell good! Definitely one of my favorite teacher supplies.

Favorite Teacher Supplies – 3M Hooks/Rings

These hooks can be found all over my classroom! I use them to hang my anchor charts and my standards. I also use them for things like clipboards and my “helper of the day”.  They’re so simple, cheap, and effective.

favorite teacher supplies

Mavalus Tape

I don’t know that I could live without this. Seriously. If you have cinderblock walls, this is a need. It’s the only thing I use that actually sticks (and stays) to the walls. It’s not cheap, so I save it for my own use and don’t give it to students to use. I buy mine here. It’s one of my tip-top favorite teacher supplies.

Hot Glue Gun

When I set up my classroom, my hot glue gun in invaluable. I have one where I can pull the cord from the gun. It only stays hot for a minute or two, but it’s so nice for when I’m climbing on desks all around my classroom. I am super careful to scrape the glue from the wall whenever I take something down, because I don’t like it stuck to my walls.

Favorite Teacher Supplies – Laminator

I’ve been using my laminator (the top one) for years. To share a link with you, I looked for it on Amazon, and apparently it’s discontinued. I guess that shows how long I’ve had mine. I use it All. OF. The. Time. In fact, I have one for home and school! It looks like there is a new model available, but I’m use mine as long as it lasts.

favorite teacher supplies


Yes, I am all for digital planning. I even wrote an entire blog post about how I’ll be creating my curriculum map and lesson plans digitally this year. BUT, I still love my 3-ring binders. I have them organized more ways than I care to admit.

favorite teacher supplies

Favorite Teacher Supplies –  Stackable Boxes

I keep so many resources in clear, stackable boxes. You will likely need a variety of sizes, but I do try to keep them as consistently sized as possible. It helps make organization easier! These are my favorites.

favorite teacher supplies

Favorite Teacher Supplies-Honorable Mention

Over the years some of my favorite teacher supplies have changed. These used to be on the list, but they were bumped down to make room for new resources and teacher supplies.

Electric Hole Punch

Since I don’t use binders and notebooks as frequently as I used to, this teacher supply was moved to honorable mention. My students have binders for their morning work, so I punch holes in their morning work for the binders. When I’m punching five or six pages at a time, this takes forever! I can easily prepare a class set of papers within seconds. It’s battery operated and light, so I can keep it in my desk drawer. I purchased my hole punch from Amazon.


Need I say more! Whenever I’m particularly stressed or need a little lift me up, there isn’t anything quite like a piece of chocolate. Dark chocolate seems to do the trick for me!

What are your favorite teacher supplies?

favorite teacher supplies


7 thoughts on “Favorite Teacher Supplies”

  1. I’ve been looking for a good electric hole punch to use at school and home – your suggestion looks like a good one. I need a glue gun like that too! Thanks for sharing your great ideas.

  2. Sayre Whitaker

    I’m interested in your word cards you had on your word wall. Did you make those or buy them? do you have a link for them?

    1. You’re talking about the vocabulary/word wall words, right? They’re in my store. I have several different versions and subject areas. This link takes you to all of them!

  3. It’s a scientific fact that grading papers is much easier when you’re using a pretty flair pen.


    Fact. Confirmed.

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